Tuesday, September 28, 2010

pool and rich

Yesterday I watched a documentary about a huge city in Africa, and some "poor" people, from my point of view. They work in dump site as scavengers and built a kind of city on that dump site with restaurants and bars... which look entirely different from what we know. A guy working in dump site at day time and doing some show after work. He has a dream to be a rapper and get rich, he does try his best, working hard to buy some clothes so he can look good when making some show on street to gain some reputation. He believes his future will be better, so he works so hard every minute for his dream. In his song he says that he is rich, and has a lot of money full of his pocket.. and has a nice photo with notes in hand( that photo is supposed to be used as the CD cover). Very touching.

But damn, their life is miserable and probably that guy's dream will never come true. human life is always a struggling. That's why Buddha believes that life is pain and everything is just illusion. We're struggling to avoid danger, to chase something we believe will make us happy, to prove we are important and try to have some purpose. However after all those emotional story happening, what's the point? And what exactly the reason we are here?