Sunday, December 12, 2010


1 caught so far the biggest fish  in my life(with my friends help)
2 ate the very first strawberry grown by my self
3 still suffering from my crappy car.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

changing is scary

sometimes i think life needs changing, and I deserve something better. However I am lazy, too lazy too do anyting besids thinking, I lay on my couch and just watch some silly movies to kill my time, that situation makes me sad and comfortable
Recently work is not going very well, or let's say I feel that my career is not going anywhere, coding pointlessly, just day by day, boring and painful. A friend will leave the team soon, I just checked the Seek, lots of interesting and promising positions for Java developer, but I still hesitate or may be too scared to really make a move. Life is so confusing, I guess I really need a mentor to teach me what is the right thing for me.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

about smartGWT

After working hard on a GIS project with SmartGWT for nearly half a year, I think I should write a review for smartGWT.
"I think SmartGWT has a ton of great widgets, but but but there is a HUGE price. Create a simple SmartGWT based project and watch how many files get loaded by your page. That, I think, is totally against the ideals of something like GWT. While SmartGWT may be a pretty good option for people on a deadline, if you want raw performance, stay away from it. The number of HTTP requests will simply kill your application."
I have to agree with that. The nice widgets smartgwt provides come with a huge price, the unzipped size of the js files are about 3m, and the rendering speed is just OK. sometime we should try out best to improve the compatibility and can't decide what client should do, namely a slow network or a crappy IE6, that is just normal.
While GWT is so promising about flexibility and compatibility , smartgwt as a wrapper can quickly help us to create some deadline project, but it limits our capability to implement our own widgets and communication framework. The performance won't be the best and the application won't be compatible with mobile devices. which I think are very important nowadays.
In terms of the data binding feature in smartGWT pro version, I am not interested at all. Binding page to domain model with XML, It's never a good idea based on my experience. Firstly you have to learn how to use the XML syntax to do the job, secondly application is not always about database and requirements can be various, not to mention the table relationship can be very complicated. So the project using data binding idea always ends up with a lot of tweaking code and workarounds.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Watched a discussion on tv about cancer treatment, a doctor said: what he wants is knowing he is doing the right thing.
That's so true isn't it. we hope the best and we know life is not always perfect. life is complicated, sometimes we are confused, we stop and linger, because we want to know, are we doing the right thing?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

pool and rich

Yesterday I watched a documentary about a huge city in Africa, and some "poor" people, from my point of view. They work in dump site as scavengers and built a kind of city on that dump site with restaurants and bars... which look entirely different from what we know. A guy working in dump site at day time and doing some show after work. He has a dream to be a rapper and get rich, he does try his best, working hard to buy some clothes so he can look good when making some show on street to gain some reputation. He believes his future will be better, so he works so hard every minute for his dream. In his song he says that he is rich, and has a lot of money full of his pocket.. and has a nice photo with notes in hand( that photo is supposed to be used as the CD cover). Very touching.

But damn, their life is miserable and probably that guy's dream will never come true. human life is always a struggling. That's why Buddha believes that life is pain and everything is just illusion. We're struggling to avoid danger, to chase something we believe will make us happy, to prove we are important and try to have some purpose. However after all those emotional story happening, what's the point? And what exactly the reason we are here?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

recently I just did my annual review, bought a house, moved home, and some things happened, I would say life is just amazing and we all need to look forward and keep moving on.