Thursday, October 29, 2009

took apart my laptop yestoday

It's been a long time since I got the idea to disassemble my laptop. But I was too afriad, yestoday with my new toolset and a guild from internet, finally I made it. It wasn't easy, I have to say, might be more hard than I thought. But I never give up. After 1 hour and some tricky steps, I finally saw the inner of my lovely machine.

Just like I thought, the fan was very dirty, clogged by lint. cleaning it is something much easier than playing with screws. After applied the new crease and assembled the laptop. I pushed the button and... the monitor didn't work. I was upset but like I said, I never give up. I removed the panel aside the keybord and reconnected the monitor.

This time every was fine. the laptop started as usual. Beautiful!

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